Got an early birthday present!

Muzzleloading Forum

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Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Fair Grove, MO
Yesterday, I received the blackpowder rifles that my good friend, John Pruitt, made for me and my dad. Mine is a 54 caliber flintlock with a large Siler lock and a 42" swamped Colerain barrel. Dad's is a Hawken style rifle with a 30" barrel custom made by Flintlock Construction Incorporated in Morehead, KY. His gun's other unique feature is the mule-ear lock on it. The coolest thing of all about both firearms is that the stock wood came from a walnut tree off our farm that has been in our family since the 1850's.

I know the sights aren't period correct but I'm not concerned about such things. We had these guns made to kill vittles and we wanted adjustable sights. Dad's has an adjustable buckhorn rear sight and a bead front sight. Mine has an adjustable peep rear sight and a target globe front sight. I've got a handful of apertures I can put in the target globe for different sight pictures.

I can't wait to make smoke this weekend!!!








Those are great. If those are the sights you prefer, go for it! You have only yourself and your dad to make happy!

Side slappers are an interesting variation in percussion rifles. A few years back Navy Arms sold one in .32 and .50 that had a popular following. Anyone wanting one can probably pick one up on the muzzleloading sites, there should be a number available on the used market.
Same reason Charley's dad once told him, "Son, the good Lord was a very inefficient creator. He made a hell of a lot more horse's than ever He made horses!"