I'm a very lucky guy.
Made my Christmas visits to the landowners who have been so generous to let me hunt their land since 1993...delivered some Honey Baked Christmas Hams and some Barnes & Nobles gift certificates, etc...had some good visits / chats.
One of them asked ME if I was satisfied with enough deer where they let me hunt.
Another one said I shouldn't have gotten them anything because the land had been clear-cut and messed me up for this year.
They always comment about me hunting with a Flintlock, and one of the landowner's told me his grown son has gotten hold of a Flintlock and is trying to get up to speed with it...asked me if I could give him some pointers, help him get some blackpowder, etc.
All of them volunteered I should keep right on hunting their land.
18 years now...they're just small woodlots but they're surrounded by large tracks of other woods...private places to hunt as if it was my own land...good deer from these grounds, plus turkeys, squirrels, doves, crows.
Some very generous people..I'm really a very lucky guy, and I know it.
Made my Christmas visits to the landowners who have been so generous to let me hunt their land since 1993...delivered some Honey Baked Christmas Hams and some Barnes & Nobles gift certificates, etc...had some good visits / chats.
One of them asked ME if I was satisfied with enough deer where they let me hunt.
Another one said I shouldn't have gotten them anything because the land had been clear-cut and messed me up for this year.
They always comment about me hunting with a Flintlock, and one of the landowner's told me his grown son has gotten hold of a Flintlock and is trying to get up to speed with it...asked me if I could give him some pointers, help him get some blackpowder, etc.
All of them volunteered I should keep right on hunting their land.
18 years now...they're just small woodlots but they're surrounded by large tracks of other woods...private places to hunt as if it was my own land...good deer from these grounds, plus turkeys, squirrels, doves, crows.
Some very generous people..I'm really a very lucky guy, and I know it.