I was very sorry to hear of Deaddawg's experience with his smoothy. I am happy to report that I received my new smoothy today and couldnt be more pleased. I have been in the market for a French Tulle for some time now. I have even owned one and got a 3 day inspection on another. Finally, I have found one that I am pleased with. The gun in question was made by Paul Seibert with Centermark. It is a .62 / 20 ga. with 42 inch barrel, and walnut stock with 14 1/2 LOP. I am "very" pleased. There are several things that this gun has that I really like. First and formost is the barrel. Its not extra thick, milled down, wavy, industrial hydraulic pipe, but rather a bonafide barrel (modern shotgun type). It is thinner and handles very well. Also, the stock (forearm) is thin and dainty. The lock is very strong and throws good sparks. I shot it about 20 times today and was hitting a laundry bottle at about 30 yards (Im brand new at this and couldnt do that with my other gun). To put it short I love this gun--------------------So far. And just in case anyone has a hankering for a Tulle type, I happen to know that Paul has a couple more of these made up (various stock material and LOP) Anyway, thought some good news might be appreciated. Mike