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45 Cal.
Nov 1, 2004
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I went back to Cabela's. They apparantly only carry pre-lubed patches with thicknesses in .005", .010" and .020". I bought some .010" since the .020" I bought earlier were too thick to allow me to start the rb. I'll post results as soon as I can go shooting.
They did have some pillow ticking advertised as being .018", but I think Wal-Mart has some cheaper. Cabela's wanted $6.99 for a small package.
I really want to try some .015" patches. The .020" were so tight they are unusable in my rifle and I think the .018" might be too tight too.

Didn't someone say the Wal-Mart ticking came in 2 thicknesses? For what I need would the heavy ticking be right?

I have bought three types of ticking from Wal-Mart. Red, blue, and no stripe. They all mic'd at .018.

Too bad you're not in San Antonio. I have a thousand or so pre-lubed .015 patches. I'd give you some to try.

HUH---my blue Walmart miked 15---I'v got about 6 yards---that aught to last a while,,, :thumbsup:
How much does the Wal-Mart ticking cost?
I think Cabela's was $6.99 for either 1 or 2 square yards.

I'll go by and get a few yards.
It looks as if it's time to cut and lube my own.
I guess I ought to mix up some Moose Snot and Moose Milk to use with the ticking too. I have the recipes on my computer.
I can't wait for my wife to ask what that stuff is! :grin:

rubincam said:
HUH---my blue Walmart miked 15---I'v got about 6 yards---that aught to last a while,,, :thumbsup:

All of mine mic'd about .020 uncompressed and .018 compressed.

did you wash it before you miked it???My Walmart is east of Lancaster Pa...maybe they have different distributers???? blue came out at 15 after being washed and drier dried,,,,my friend got some at the same place at a differant time,his was 15,,,works fine in our rifles :thumbsup:
rubincam said:
HUH---my blue Walmart miked 15---I'v got about 6 yards---that aught to last a while,,, :thumbsup:
Mine miked at .018 after washing it.
rubincam said:
did you wash it before you miked it???My Walmart is east of Lancaster Pa...maybe they have different distributers???? blue came out at 15 after being washed and drier dried,,,,my friend got some at the same place at a differant time,his was 15,,,works fine in our rifles :thumbsup:

Mine was mic'd after washing.

It works great in all of my rifles.

Jim: YOu might be better off buying a can of ballistol, and mixing it with water, per Dutch Schoultz's system of dry patch lube. The patching is allowed to dry on a cookie sheet in the sun, where the smell won't drive the Domestic Supervisor out of the house. Once dry, there doesn't seem to be much smell, but I won't say anything about the taste! :rotf:

I believe you can mix the ballistol in a 3 part water, 4 part ballistol solution to soak strips of patching. Once they have dried, roll them up and put a rubber band around them. You can store them in a plastic bucket, like you buy margarine in, or Cool Whip. Use a patch knife to cut off the patching at the muzzle. Do wash the fabric and dry it before dipping it in your mixture, whatever you use. Take a micrometer to any fabric store, and ask them for Pocket Drill, ( that's the stuff you pockets are made for in men's slacks)or pillow ticking, or even linen. Measure the thicknesses.

You can order sample kits from Track of the Wolf for a few bucks and they get it to you within 2 days. I would do that before investing a lot of money in yards of cloth. You can do that after you learn what thickness you need for your gun.

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