I just built mine this past weekend. It took me and a friend two full days to finish it. When I bought it a year ago, I thought all ya had to do was sand and stain the stock. And I figured ya just had to blue the barrel. Sounds easy, right?!!? Well, I was way off!! While it wasn't too difficult, it did take some work and elbow grease to finish off. The barrel needs draw filing and finished (pretty simple) and the stock needs shaped, some inletting needs done, and stained and sanded. Luckily, my friend is an awesome woodworker and he did the stock. Turned out great. I did the metal parts and while there are a few file marks, it didn't turn out too bad. Adds character (smile)!
While this is the only experience I've ever had with a kit, I would guess that basic kits will require the same kind of work. More complex kits will require more time and effort, but it would be worth it in the end. Just my two cents (smile)....
Oh, and one more thing! THIS THING CAN SHOOT!!!! I got the .54 and it shoots a roundball pretty nicely.