Only saw my Mother's Father (My grandfather) one time that I can remember. I had to be maybe 4 or 5? He lived alone. His wife, my (Mom's mother) Grandma died a few years earlier. Never knew her.
The things I remember about my Grandfather, when we went to visit him, I would sit on his knee and he had 3 or 4 days of whiskers and would rub his face on mine.
We would stop and pick up a couple packs of Beechnut Chewing tobacco to bring him.
I remember the coffee can that he spit chew in. Way back, Carnation Corn Flakes had small comic books that you could flick the pages and it looked like moving pictures. He saved them for me.
He was in the Spanish American war.
Mom said he died in a VA hospital. The nurses left the windows open, he got pneumonia and she always figured it was a way for the hospital to get rid on the old folks??
He couldn't come and live with us cause my "AZZ hole" step father wouldn't have it!!!
Mom never got a head stone for the grandparent's graves. I found the grave marker and on the way out of the cemetery, stopped and ordered a headstone.

$$$$$ well spent!!

Got the grandparents marriage license, $$ receipts for their grave site. Family Bible that my Grandfather wrote deaths and births info in.
Grandmother was half Native American and Spanish. Born @ Ft. Mac Dowell Arizona. When she married my Grandfather (English), she had to say she was Spanish because it was against the law for a white man to marry an Indian. They had 4 children. 2 died young.