Gun maker's fair Dixons

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Jan 30, 2014
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Can you tell me what to expect?

I am planning a gun build. Should I wait until I go to the fair?

I do have some projects that will keep my busy until summer if needed.

Any vendors of particular interest. Better seminars for the novice gun builder, but intermediate woodworker?

Do they have a woodswalk shoot nearby.

Any good things to pick up while your there. A guy with real good flints, deals on roundball, etc....

Any really good food vendors.

Do they frown upon selling stuff yourself. Like a muzzleloader you don't use much.
what the good campground to go to.

Just might bring the family, is there a local water hole, the non fermented brook type.

Also, I will be traveling from the Albany NY area. hat else is there good to visit around there, or along the way. Steam town is in order, maybe Cabela's, maybe....
Cabela's. Yes -- pilgrimage! Eat there (over-priced but cool -- sneak in water -- lol). Need to buy Maple Nut Goodies there -- GF calls them moorish ('cause you always want more). What's that butcher shop down the road with the game meat!?

Kids? Sorry. But...

Isn't there a Dorny Water Park near there folks? Sesame Place maybe? Where's Hershey Park!?

Avoid National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg at all costs. See what's still available to see at Carlisle Barracks...
With these seminars, is it hands-on work. Or is it just verbal instruction only.

Meaning, do we actually carve some wood on the stock building seminars.

Also, is there added material costs for some things.

Like I said, I have little clue what goes on there, but it sounds like a good weekend.

Also, is there any other events that correspond with the gun makers fair, like a morning shoot at a local gun club.
Check their site but the short answer is "no" and "no." It isn't a rondezvous... It's a Gunmaker's Fair! Think gun arts including selling.

Oh, and dress light.

Up the hill they have demos including a running blacksmith shop and encampments, musket and cannon firing, firestarting, hawk throwing for kids I think...
Is there a good chance someone could buy everything they needed to build a rifle from that fair.

I'll call up the Dixon's shop to get some more info on it.

Also, it's a 2 or 3 day affair. Is this really just a one day event, or is there enough to make a whole weekend out of it.
To your last question, YES. There is everything you would need times ten or twelve. Locks stocks, barrels, tools, books , seminars, the store, vendors, many of the barrel makers, stock sellers, parts sets. As has been said, dress light, bring an umbrella, stay hydrated. The terrain is a hillside. There a couple of campgrounds within a couple miles. Don't make a build decision before you go, but be prepared to be more confused on what you want to build. Bring lots of money. Prepare for lots of fun.


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