hand sewn haversack question...

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Peter LeRay

40 Cal.
Sep 16, 2013
Reaction score
I just sewed this 12" x 12" with 4" flap haversack (will have 3 pewter buttons) and am lost as to what type os strap it should have. Im looking more for revolutionary war period. Make one out of ticking or??
Use almost that suits yer fancy. Hemp, ticking, plain white duck, whatever.
I would have made the flap longer. Mine has the flap almost as long as the bag is deep. That way it stays closed without fastners and has a pocket inside. Yours will be fine. Enjoy.
I would use the same for the strap although I belive your material choice could be better for emulating AWI period. I think your flap length is about right for the item you are shooting for but I would have added an inch or so more to the length dimension of the body.
I cant pull a quote regarding bed ticking haversacks out of my records, but I do remember a refrence to bed ticking shot pouches for the Govt troops during the NC war of Regulation. IIRC they had a brass button as well.

But yes, I would say make it out of the same material, aprox 2 inch wide strip, perhaps 2.5, whip stich it closed inside out, Turn it right side out and then run two lines of back stitching down the length aprox a quarter inch in from the edges.

If you attach the strap by sewing thru the flap and back, you eliminate the need for 3 buttons, or any buttons at all.

I google search on British Military Haversacks should return images of a surviving haversack used here in North America and a how to on reconstructing one.
Yea, but Im considering where Im at.

It wouldn't fly in my camp, but in others its fine, and I aint tellen folks in other camps what the otta do no more....
get sketchbook 76 and some really heavy coarse linen.. or get a haversack kit from roy najecki for under 12 dollars.
Capt. Jas. said:
Fred, bed ticking, yes but striped cotton ticking??

A discussion on FB caused me to pull out Montgomery, and well, our modern pillow ticking, in both cotton and linen, at least the blue dates all the way back to at least 1775......
That is great information! Keep us posted if anyone can take it back any further. Quite surprised on the cotton though. How common do you think it was?
The blue, in cotton was being produced in France in 75......

WBD has some linen ticking right now, thinking about picking some up to see how it shoots vs the cotton....

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