handles for tc moulds.

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50 Cal.
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
considering getting an old maxi ball mould and or roundball mould off ebay, what handles do you use for tc moulds? I was also wondering how well tc moulds work compaired to Lee aluminum moulds for round balls? Finally would lee make up a 32 caliber real bullet mould as a custom mould any one have lee make them one.
check out the classifieds on this forum!

I have both TC and lee molds. For my .50, I like the TC rb mold.

TC molds fit lyman and RCBS handles.

The only .32 mold I know of made was a .32 maxi ball. I am currently looking for one, and those I have seen, bring a fairly high price tag.
Rapine makes maxi moulds in 32 through 58 caliber. I just got a 58, and am very pleased with it. I would have been even happier if it was cheaper.To contact him , call 215-679-5413 and leave a call back number.