A few more things about the Hawken replica. As you may have observed, it has a single set trigger. Less obvious is the fact that all the brass fittings were originally silver-plated.
I don't know if the captive ramrod on the hawken if functional, as I've never used it except to test for an empty gun. I suspect that it would smart some to drive home a ball given the small diameter of the "handle".
I built a Lyman "hawken" kit in .54 caliber. The grip portion of the stock is wrong, the "pull" being much longer -- so long that I have trouble getting my finger in the correct position on the trigger.
The lyman shoots very well -- so long as you keep it clean. It's the pickiest of all my handguns insofar as cleanliness vs accuracy. Clean it between shots, and it will put all the rounds inside the 8 ring at 50 yards. Fail to clean it, and the shots may wander clear off the paper.