36 Cl.
My name is Brian. I'm really pleased to have found this website, I am grateful for all the knowledge shared by the members here. I am relatively new to muzzleloading but I am really enjoying the learning. It is definitely a hobby for tinkerers and I am one. I am planning to hunt whitetail muzzleloading season this year with my dad and as soon as the fire risk subsides here looking forward the practicing more with my .50 flintlock Investarms Hawken. I'm also into cap and ball revolvers and old West history. Here is my favorite Navy arms Uberti 1861 I purchased a few months ago, it was produced my birth year, 1979.
My name is Brian. I'm really pleased to have found this website, I am grateful for all the knowledge shared by the members here. I am relatively new to muzzleloading but I am really enjoying the learning. It is definitely a hobby for tinkerers and I am one. I am planning to hunt whitetail muzzleloading season this year with my dad and as soon as the fire risk subsides here looking forward the practicing more with my .50 flintlock Investarms Hawken. I'm also into cap and ball revolvers and old West history. Here is my favorite Navy arms Uberti 1861 I purchased a few months ago, it was produced my birth year, 1979.