Glad to be here and thanks to all you great folks for such a great place to spend some upcoming cold winter evenings here in Vir-gin-ia. I have a 50 Charles Daly, had it about 25 years now, and killed many a deer over the years with it. Also have a Lyman GPR in 50 that I love to shoot chickens, pigs, turkeys and rams with on a monthly basis, And I also have a 12 guage T&T that I tote with me every spring in the Turkey woods, And a 32 I like to carry into the fall turkey and squirrel woods. I also like fooling with machinery, and have a couple of lathes and bridgeport mill. The rest of my time is spent working and listening to the kids fight. Ahhh, Don't the woods smell great this time of year? Nice to meet y'all. :winking:Sport.