Help finding 4FFlash Pan powder

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Sep 29, 2017
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I just bought a 1980 model replica of a Musket. I am having trouble finding the flash powder for it.
You can order it online but you can try the same powder you use in the barrel as hazmat will be expensive for only a pound
Welcome to the forum, Bru. :)

Drago is right.

If you order powder on line the shipping costs will be horrible.
They charge a special fee to deliver black powder, usually over $30 in addition to the regular delivery fee.
That could make your pound of 4F powder cost over $50.

Traditionally, muskets were primed with the same powder that is used to charge the barrel.

The big locks can easily light a pan full of the courser grained powder without a problem.

If you really want to buy some more black powder I suggest you spend the money for more of the same powder you intend to use for the main powder charge.
If this is 2Fg powder, you might want to try some 3Fg powder.
If you reduce the 2Fg powder load by about 10% and use it for the 3Fg powder load it will give about the same velocity and it might produce less powder fouling in the bore.
Bru said:
I just bought a 1980 model replica of a Musket. I am having trouble finding the flash powder for it.
Use whatever you have in your horn - FFg, FFFg and even Fg will work in the pan.
Tell us a bit more about your musket.

Who made it?

Is it smooth bore or rifled?

What caliber is it?

What model designation is it intended to represent?

A musket can use the same powder as the main charge. My Long Land Pattern (Brown Bess) uses 2fg as the main charge and the pan charge.
I have 4f, but like 3f better.

I think the bigger flecks stay drier longer on those humid mucky wet days of PA's flintlock season.

A good flint, a pan and pan roof wiped down between shots, and enough but jot toouch powder.... mix those three with any kind of real blackpowder you got and you're good to go.
Mick C said:
Yep, FFF works fine and I'd bet you'll NEVER use up a can of 4F thus wasting your money.

Some of us actually shoot our flinters Mick. It takes me about 2 years to use a pound of 4F. If there were more matches, trail walks and Rendevouz around it’d take less time.

A pound of 4F is good for about 20 lbs of FFg unless I get to shooting per-suction guns more ( revolver, shotgun and musket).

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