I would be in your debt and would really appreciate it.
I love the walkthrough, how long have you been at that one? I expect it would probably take me a few weeks of laying out the parts, looking at the template, staring at it and thinking about it before I got the confidence to make the cuts.
When I said I have the tools before, I meant it. I'm not trying to brag, just listing some of it to help illustrate the type of shop I have. (Which doesn't mean squat about my ability but it at least lets you know I'm serious). I do have a 1 car garage shop, that is jammed full. I don't have everything known to man, but I have a band saw, jointer, planer, roubo bench, chisel set, mortise chisels set, gouges, layout and marking tools (dividers, marking knives, marking gauge, protractor, etc.), dovetail/crosscut/rip saws, a drawknives, scrapers, flat/curved/rounded spokeshaves, bench planes, moulding planes, files, rasps and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't think of now.
Hell I even have a scrap of 10/4 walnut that's about 12" wide and 8' long sitting in the rack waiting for a project (I don't think this is the one though, I want maple)
I even have a combination plane and a variety of cutter profiles that could make quick work of roughing in a barrel channel and making sure it's centered in the blank.
It's the drilling of a ramrod hole that would picker me up tighter than a drum. I suppose if I had to do it I'd cut the barrel channel, then cut the bottom so the web was parallel and even the whole way, carve out the entry pipe, and brace a long drill bit against the web while drilling. But that seems to me to be probably the riskiest operation and fastest way to turn a blank into kindling. I hope to not do that and get a blank with both already done right so I can't screw that part up.