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Hold out for Buck or just shoot Doe

Muzzleloading Forum

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Jan 24, 2008
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Dubuque IA
Well on October 15th early deer season opens in Iowa. I have 5 days I have scheduled off work to hunt. My first time hunting with a muzzle loader should I just shoot a Doe or hold out for a nice Buck ?
Just FYI I take a big game hunt out west every year and this year I have a West River South Dakota deer license that allows me two deer one buck and one doe with a Highpowered rifle.
I have shot some nice Deer in Iowa with a shotgun, but this Muzzle loader is a new animal.
I do like deer meat and Weber's deer sausage is the bee's knees from Cuba City WI.
I can do a whole deer in it for me and Friends.
So what would you do ?
Antlers don't mean a thing to me, except more powder measures. I prefer to eat does. There is no right or wrong answer here, you know. Just roll with it for your own reasons.
Like Stumpkiller said, you have to do what's right for you. I've never thought of them as "just a doe". I'm as happy taking a doe as I am taking a buck. Some of my most memorable hunts have been does.
pab1 said:
Like Stumpkiller said, you have to do what's right for you. I've never thought of them as "just a doe". I'm as happy taking a doe as I am taking a buck. Some of my most memorable hunts have been does.

:thumbsup: :hatsoff: I'll second that.......Horns are a false Dichotomy IMO....
Like everyone else said...that's a personal decision for you alone to make.

For me, the excitement of the hunt now is matching wits with mature bucks. I don't care if I have deer meat in the freezer...I won't starve. So I hold out for the buck I want, though I will fill bonus tags, if available, with does.

I bow hunted NE Iowa as a non-resident for many years until the non-res licenses went to an insane cost. Some of the best deer hunting I ever had. If Iowa gave non-resident licenses for that October Muzzleloader season, I'd plunk down the cash in a heartbeat. :grin:

Good luck no matter what you decide. :thumbsup:
Wise advice I saw somewhere:
Never pass up on the first day what you would shoot on the last day.

I hunt for meat. The only advantages to shooting a buck are the antlers which make a convenient handle for dragging and a few more pounds of meat.

That said - only you can decide.
Well I sorta get spiritual, and basically view the situation as I shoot what I believe God puts in front of me. If I'm supposed to shoot a buck one will come by, and if I'm supposed to shoot a doe, so be it. :wink: I try not to shoot the very large buck in my area, which sounds like I don't follow what I first wrote. Well, the largest buck will father a lot of tasty offspring, AND he seems to like to move his harem into my hunting area, which provides me with does OR the occasional sneaky young buck trying to get in on the Old Fellow's ladies. :grin:

Here in Maryland where I live you can take a couple of bucks and about a dozen doe....we're so overrun with deer. (Happens when folks establish huge "no hunting" zones) So I have the luxury of waiting or passing on a shot when folks where the deer herd is thin might not.

This is sage advice:
Never pass up on the first day what you would shoot on the last day.

I think you can get a doe tag as well right? Antlerless for another season?

5 days is plenty of time to shoot a doe in Iowa if you have a decent place to hunt.

I would head hunt for a couple of days and then if you like, take a doe.

If you are used to shotgun hunting in Iowa you are most likely used to pushing deer and shooting at running deer.

Hunker down in a likely spot in the morning and before sunset. You will see deer and will have shots at deer that are unaware that you are there.

Seeing me and the other hunters in our gang are "meat hunters", anything legal that comes along is shot. If the deer has antlers, so what? We don't drag holding the antlers....there are better ways to avoid twisting the body and ending up w/ a visit to the chiropractor.

In most areas, the bucks don't live long enough for their meat to get tough...so whether it be a doe or buck, the meat is the same.

The trimmings are made into sausage, but mainly we all like venison cooked in various ways w/ braising the most popular because of the resultant gravy for the potatoes.

Some who don't like venison prefer to camouflage the taste by making venison chili, sausage, marinading perfectly good venison and lastly jerking the meat......Fred
colorado clyde said:
pab1 said:
Like Stumpkiller said, you have to do what's right for you. I've never thought of them as "just a doe". I'm as happy taking a doe as I am taking a buck. Some of my most memorable hunts have been does.

:thumbsup: :hatsoff: I'll second that.......Horns are a false Dichotomy IMO....
Yup, besides shot enough bucks.
Fat Doe = Tasty!
I shoot the first legal deer that I encounter. Of course, we're not limited to one deer/season. In fact, we can kill 2 deer/day and I've only done that once.
I have read what all the others have said here. i agree, you will have to make that decision for yourself. But either way they both taste good when cook the right way. :grin:
"This chil' knows poor bull from fat cow". I never hung a trophy on the wall. I do feel spritural when hunting and accept Grandfathers gifts when they come. I shoot the first deer that's in range.
Do you want a trophy? Go after that, and pass up the little bucks also. Do you want venison on your table? Take the best shot.
I take the first decent size deer I can get a clear shot on - as others have mentioned if the Almighty presents me with a good shot on a nice doe I take it and am grateful for it.
I think I will hunt for two days for a Buck 4x4 or larger. I came to this because I would be disappointed if I shot a Doe in the first morning, I want to spend some time in the woods and see what fall has for colors, yes the leaves.
I do like Deer meat and deer sausage, A person spends a lifetime learning to hunt and I have more seasons behind me than ahead of Me so yes I want to watch the sun rise and hear the woods come alive. When I was young I wanted to shoot everything I could legally, today I like the tradition and being one with nature, and when I walk I drift like smoke. I
Well 7 days till I get to go hunting, I am looking forward to it.
Shoot whatever legal deer your heart tells you too. A young deer in the freezer is great venison, but shooting a big buck is exciting and sausages are good too. :haha:
I think I will hunt for two days for a Buck 4x4 or larger. I came to this because I would be disappointed if I shot a Doe in the first morning, I want to spend some time in the woods and see what fall has for colors, yes the leaves.
I do like Deer meat and deer sausage, A person spends a lifetime learning to hunt and I have more seasons behind me than ahead of Me so yes I want to watch the sun rise and hear the woods come alive. When I was young I wanted to shoot everything I could legally, today I like the tradition and being one with nature, and when I walk I drift like smoke.

I think I will hunt for two days for a Buck 4x4 or larger. I came to this because I would be disappointed if I shot a Doe in the first morning, I want to spend some time in the woods and see what fall has for colors, yes the leaves.
I do like Deer meat and deer sausage, A person spends a lifetime learning to hunt and I have more seasons behind me than ahead of Me so yes I want to watch the sun rise and hear the woods come alive. When I was young I wanted to shoot everything I could legally, today I like the tradition and being one with nature, and when I walk I drift like smoke.

Re-read what you typed and reflect on your musings.