The other day it was raining terrible and I was stuck in the house... bad idea for me. So I went out to the shop and fired up the smelter for casting. I needed to make some .600 diameter ball from my new LEE mold. I also made some .490 ball and some .457 diameter 405 grain (never weighed them) bullets for my sabots.
I took the ball out and shot the .62 smoothie every way you all suggested. I tried it with a tick patch and 85 grains of FFFg Goex. Accuracy out to 35 yards was in a 3" circle. I then tried them with a Nitro Card on top of 85 grains of FFFg Goex with a fiber wad and over the shot card. I tried them spur up and spur down (although I admit with my own home cast there is not much of a spur). Accuracy out to 35 yards was exceptional. I was shooting soda cans as easy with the smoothie as I would with my favorite .22 caliber rifle.
Here is something you experienced smoothie shooters can tell me. When I dropped the powder charge the accuracy went downhill real fast. It seems the higher the charge the better the accuracy. How strong a charge do you think a Green Mountain Barrel could take? I do not want to get the charge too high because the ball is heavy to begin with.
How big a powder charge do you shoot with ball? Is it normal for a smoothie to like a strong charge? I realize that some of you shooting the Bess and the .69 calibers are in a different league, but what kind of charge do you use and if you had a nice broadside shot at a deer, what distance would you feel comfortable to shoot out to with your smoothie?
Your stories and information on this site put this smoothbore bug up my you know what, and I am determined to make this thing work. It seems strange that a patched round ball would be less accurate then a carded round ball... or am I wrong on this point too?
thanks in advance
I took the ball out and shot the .62 smoothie every way you all suggested. I tried it with a tick patch and 85 grains of FFFg Goex. Accuracy out to 35 yards was in a 3" circle. I then tried them with a Nitro Card on top of 85 grains of FFFg Goex with a fiber wad and over the shot card. I tried them spur up and spur down (although I admit with my own home cast there is not much of a spur). Accuracy out to 35 yards was exceptional. I was shooting soda cans as easy with the smoothie as I would with my favorite .22 caliber rifle.
Here is something you experienced smoothie shooters can tell me. When I dropped the powder charge the accuracy went downhill real fast. It seems the higher the charge the better the accuracy. How strong a charge do you think a Green Mountain Barrel could take? I do not want to get the charge too high because the ball is heavy to begin with.
How big a powder charge do you shoot with ball? Is it normal for a smoothie to like a strong charge? I realize that some of you shooting the Bess and the .69 calibers are in a different league, but what kind of charge do you use and if you had a nice broadside shot at a deer, what distance would you feel comfortable to shoot out to with your smoothie?
Your stories and information on this site put this smoothbore bug up my you know what, and I am determined to make this thing work. It seems strange that a patched round ball would be less accurate then a carded round ball... or am I wrong on this point too?
thanks in advance