Sparky, a lot of antique stores have lead pots and lead ladles at reasonable prices. Some of them are a lot better made than the ones that you can buy today. Fortunately since they once held lead, they aren't desirable to a lot of people.
I used a Coleman stove to heat my lead for years before I got my bottom pouring 20 pound lead pot. Just be careful, do this out of doors, wear goggles, wear heavy leather gloves with the gauntlet cuffs. Make sure that you have on a long sleeved shirt, buttoned at the wrist and inside of the gloves, wear shoes and socks and long pants. I can still remember getting hot lead between my toes when I started out in shorts and sandals.
Remember if the molten lead hits you it's an automatic second or third degree burn.
Be careful and enjoy.
Many Klatch