I googled Antrax to read more about it. Try it. You will be nicely informed. Antrax is a bacteriological disease, spread by minute spores. It requires certain moiture, temperature, and a limited temperature range to stay alive. It can not be acquired by simply working on or handling a horn imported from another country. If you wash the horn off with water and dry it in the sun before working on it, whatever might have been on it will have been washed away. You can use " anti bacterial " soap, if you really want to be safe, but any soap will kill it. Anthrax can be acquired through the skin by handling infected cattle, by ingesting infected meat that has not been fully cooked, and by inhalation of spores. Again, you have to be working around infected cattle to get the spores. The most common means of transmission is by ingesting infected meat. Anthrax cannot be passed from one human to another. I assume you are not buying these horns to test your teeth, or to try an exotic diet supplement. Don't Eat The Horn! For most of us, that is intuitive. I am going to assume that the horn that you buy is separated from the cattle that grew it, so you don't have to worry about being around, or handling infected cattle flesh, and meat. :hmm: