horn strap

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45 Cal.
Mar 2, 2005
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Seeing as how I was not satisfied with the horn strap that came with my horn..it was a leather but to me a odd rough type..looked more like a cord I decided to make a better one. What I did was take some latigo leather select three pieces of the approx length I needed and braided them. Then tied the ends around the horn at the proper places. My question is it appears that these strips are not the "hardest" type of leather around and I guess they will do for awhile...does anyone know of a way of treating them so they will last or is there a better way of doing this? While the ones made on a loom and out of fabric look good...I am not really fond of them. Thanking any who may reply in advance.

oomcurt, Mornin
Leather = Saddle Soap,, the round can stuff, not the spray on ,,
g'mornin curt...

If the latigo you're talking about is the same stuff used for making horse tack, then you'll have very little problem with it wearing out. As hobbles said- Use GOOD saddle soap, not that cr@p-in-a-spray-can. Once in a while depending on use oil it with some Neat'sfoot oil. I'm parial to the Fiebing's brand, but last I bought any, that was the only mostly pure neatsfoot oil available and not cut with other products.

If the braid is what's bothering you, you can try a single-strap braid. Start with a length about 1/3 to 1/2 larger than what you want to end with. Punch two of holes about 3 or 4" in from each end and so that it divides the strap WIDTH in thirds. Use a long straightedge and connect the holes to make three strips attached at the ends. Start braiding at one end, and allow the back to "unbraid" as you go. It gets harder to feed it thru the further along you get, be patient and go slowly- you'll like the results, and attract a TON of attention when people see the impossible braid.

I'll try to post a pic of one I did, and some better instructions if anyone's interested.


ps- thinking about it after writing all this, I think I'm gonna make me one of these for my horn, and a matching one for the bag I'm working on.
You could find some "interesting" alternatives in a pet shop, feed store, equestrian center, etc.
Reins, lead lines, leashes, etc. can be pretty fancy in a quality (show oriented) shop.
Vic..Yes, please post pics and info. This sounds really different. I'd like to try it but am having a hard time "seeing" it. :hmm: Thanks.

Pics and instructions for the single strap braid. Instructions are from the 1964 Leatherwork Merit Badge Book.

Before braiding, center colored red for clarity.


How it's done...


Written Instructions:


Finished sample:



Thanks a heap for the clear instructions. I was just trying to figure out what I was goin' to do for a horn strap and your post solved my dilemma.
I had a belt braided that way once, problem was it kept growin', while I was shrinkin' and eventually I couldn't punch any more buckle holes. If I kin find it I'll try it on my horn. :hatsoff:
I had a belt braided that way once, problem was it kept growin', while I was shrinkin' and eventually I couldn't punch any more buckle holes. If I kin find it I'll try it on my horn.

I got the opposite problem. My dang belts keep shrinking. :crackup:
Hi Vic,

Well...er...I don't think it is the same. Fact is..I bought a bag of the stuff at hobby lobby..it is leather..but more like the old boot laces. A wee bit wider than thick, cross section of it is sort of like a rectangle. A wee bit wider than thick. About 1/4 inch wide and about 1/8 inch thick. Two of the sides are dark brown while the narrow sides are a sort of golden color. I've used some before as a tie for the plug on the horn to the horn itself and while it works well..seems to get a little fuzzy on the corners.
Hi Curt- sounds exactly like the "Latigo Lace" used for craft lanyards, etc. I keep a couple of spools of the stuff in the shop for all sorts of projects and lacings. On the horn I'm working on I have a long length to hold the plug that extends a good 18" or so that will get a series of measures from 50gr up to 110gr.

Same treatment to keep it soft. Good saddle soap once in a while if it gets really dirty and some neatsfoot oil to kep it from getting dry and brittle. If you can't find neatsfoot oil, You can probably get away using the same stuff that you use for patch lube... anything to keep the leather supple and soft.

To keep the ends clean, you have a few options. I've dipped it in molten beeswax let it soak in and then tie the end off in a fancy knot. You can also burn it in a candle flame which will make it hard, or add a tin cone over a figure-8 knot to just hide the fuzziness.

Then there's a turk's head knot that looks really nice and has no exposed end to worry about. I'll try to find the instructions and post them in the morning [OK- later in the morning, after the sun's up and so am I].

snake-eyes, I think it's some sort of a sympathetic reaction..my belts seem to shrink at about the same rate as my pants :eek: