Horn Strap

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scott k

40 Cal.
Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
How are the simple leather straps attached to a powder horn is it done different on the front and back.
Thanks Lehigh..
I make a kind of simple slit, like a button hole and work it over the mouth of the horn....if it is too big a hole, I take a single stitch in the hole to tighten it. At the butt of the horn, I do the same if there is a knob...otherwise, I loop it through the staple and sew or rivet it closed....same at the butt if I'm doing a F&I War era with a hole cut through the horn itself for fastening. Good question, as I'm sure we'll get so more, and better, answers than this...Hank
For the very basic strap attachment file a groove behind the spout and on the end plug. Or taper the end plug so it is bigger than the end of the horn.
I take a leather boot lace and tie a hangmans type noose. Then put the noose over the grooves. Dip the lace in neatsfoot oil and it will allow you to pull your knots real tight. Then let it dry.
For the other end a loop can be tied in the lace and it can be attached to a wider leather strap or woven strap loop to loop.
Thats how I do it anyway.
Thanks guys, the button hole way sounds good for what I want to do :thumbsup:. What kind of rivet do you use Hank, copper?
Lehigh, yeah, I use copper...I can't get the old time black harness rivets anymore...the last old country store that had them has gone yuppie upscale...I use the rivet with the washer on the clincher side most of the time, as I don't ever want to have to deal with a horn dangling from a pulled-apart strap.
The other advice given about cutting the ridge in the horn and so on is good. I've attached laces that way. Sometimes when I'm doing a lace, I'll use artificial sinew to whip the loop closed.
When you decide to get fancy, and use a woven strap, send me a private message and I'll tell you how I've been attaching them...Hank
What is a good way to secure the horn plug to a strap or thong? I would like to hear more ideas for a strap on a horn. A good friend just sent me a beautiful horn (post a pic as soon as I can) and I want to do it justice.

Thanks, Jim V.
Oooh, I wish I had a digital camera.

My favorite way to attach a plug is to take a 6" tp 8" strip of leather (anything 1/8" to 3/16" wide and not too stiff) and either loop it over the groove in the plug, or, if it doesn't have a groove, use a pen knife or drill to poke a hole through the exposed part of the plug. Then, thread the leather through and whip the end back on itself with linen thread (or sinew). No knot and mighty strong. The other end I attach around a groove in the horn tip or attach to the horn strap the same way. Finally, I twist the plug to shorten the leather as needed and give it an ornamental flair. The twisting also gives it some springyness and keeps it just long enough without (and so less of a potential tangle). Anything that dangles loosly from a strap or bag is a potential jangle or tangle. :nono:

My horn straps are either very simple 1/2" leather strips or, my latest, a 1-3/4" wide jute strip (blue & natural coarse weave herringbone) with canvas backing and leather edging. The horn is attached with short strips of 5/16" deerskin straps to staples (also folded and whipped with linen thread). Way too fancy, but it was a prototype from my pouch's daddy and he made me an offer I couldn't refuse (looks good with my just somewhat fancy powderhorn that Griz made ::). Matches my haversack strap, and the shooting pouch has a strap made from the same jute without the backing or edging. Just a bit narrower so the horn strap covers it when worn (pretty slick and comfortable).
What is a good way to secure the horn plug to a strap or thong? I would like to hear more ideas for a strap on a horn. A good friend just sent me a beautiful horn (post a pic as soon as I can) and I want to do it justice.

A thong is tied through a small hole in the plug. The other end of the thong is tied to the horn, just behind the tip. The thong is just long enough to allow the plug to be removed.
Thanks you guys. Hey, Griz made mine, too!! I'm trying to think of anything I ever made with my own hands that was good to look at. Still trying.

And for pete's sake, Stump, a member of you stature should have a dig cam. ??!! :)

Regards, sse
A thong is tied through a small hole in the plug. The other end of the thong is tied to the horn, just behind the tip. The thong is just long enough to allow the plug to be removed.

I always waonder how them thongs stayed on.and how you got them off :crackup:

Don't go there Woody, ooooooow another bad mental image, maybe worser than the cheerleaders :nono:
A thong is tied through a small hole in the plug. The other end of the thong is tied to the horn, just behind the tip. The thong is just long enough to allow the plug to be removed.

I always waonder how them thongs stayed on.and how you got them off :crackup:


Actually, I didn't mean the "butt floss" variety. :eek: :crackup: