Hornady buckshot as .40cal Round Balls??

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May 15, 2003
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I've given up trying to find the thread using the 'search' function and will just ask the question:

Am I remembering correctly that a bag of Hornady buck shot in .390 size is perfect to use as round balls in a .40cal muzzleloader?

If so, what size buckshot was it?

'000' buck is only .360 diameter and nothing larger is listed on Hornady's website...thanks
I thought one of the buckshots was perfect for .36. :hmm:
gmww said:
I thought one of the buckshots was perfect for .36. :hmm:
That must be what I was remembering...just have to buy actual round balls for a .40cal.
I think 0000 buckshot is .380 but it's more rare than finding .395 RB made for the .40 cal.

I have a jug of Ballistic Products 000 buckshot now I just need a .36 to shoot it out of. :)
I searched for "hornady buck" (using quotes).
[url] http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/fusionbb/showtopic.php?tid/39020[/url]
[url] http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/fusionbb/showtopic.php?tid/79322[/url]
[url] http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/fusionbb/showtopic.php?tid/167017[/url]
[url] http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/fusionbb/showtopic.php?tid/193949[/url]
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Thanks all...looks like it applies to the .32 & .36, but not the .40....395's are the only size I've seen listed by Hornady so I guess that's what I'll have to use.

I thought there would be a .390 for the 40cal like there's a .490 for the 50cal...worried the .395 might be very tight with .018" pillow ticking, the patch size I like the best...but all I've seen so far are .395s.

GM has a relatively new .40cal barrel added to their line, which is a long 38" x 15/16" caplock drop-in for the TC Hawken.....waiting to hear back from them to see if they'll install a flint plug on one of them for me

If that's a GM bbl, it should load just about as easy with a .395 and .017" ticking, as a .010" undersize in a TC bbl.

I have a new rifle with a GM .40. I shoot .395's and ticking lubed with spit. Starts with a smack from the short starter. Shoots very accurately.

Java Man said:

If that's a GM bbl, it should load just about as easy with a .395 and .017" ticking, as a .010" undersize in a TC bbl.

I have a new rifle with a GM .40. I shoot .395's and ticking lubed with spit. Starts with a smack from the short starter. Shoots very accurately.

Great, glad to hear that, and I always use a short starter anyway...if GM will make a Flint varsion for me maybe I'll be trying one out in August
I have seen round balls sold in a bag by Track of the Wolf, but Hornady sells them in boxes. I don't every recall seeing a " Buckshot " size that would be .390, or .395" in diameter. I think you either have to buy cast balls, or cast your own. My brother started with a .40 cal rifle, back in the early 1960s, and we both have been keeping an eye on whats available for this caliber gun since.

#0000 buck is 0.38” weighs 85 grains.

This is very small for a .40 in my opinion. I have shot .390 from miked and weighed balls, but found accuracy lacking in my Green Mountain barrel. .395 is far better with .400 being the best accuracy, but a chore to load. I have to hammer to get these to start and then they can be pushed down without too great of an effort.

I have 5 moulds to feed my .40 and can send you s sample if you like.

Java Man said:

If that's a GM bbl, it should load just about as easy with a .395 and .017" ticking, as a .010" undersize in a TC bbl.

I have a new rifle with a GM .40. I shoot .395's and ticking lubed with spit. Starts with a smack from the short starter. Shoots very accurately.


If I used that patch/ball combo in my .40 cal. I would have a ball lodged halfway down the barrel after about 15 or 20 shots. My barrel isn't GM, but still, that's a very tight fit. I use .389 cast balls from TOW with a .01 patch.
I'm not sure who made the barrel on my .40 (if it is marked, it is on the bottom where I can't see it without removing the stock. At first I tried .395" balls with .015 patches but it was a bear to load. Now use .395" balls with a .010" patch. Loads pretty well as long as I keep everything lubed and gives great accuracy. Thinking about trying the .389" cast balls track offers -- if they shoot well with a .015" patch I might go on to buy a mold in .390" and cast my own.

I should have mentioned, I do wipe between shots almost always. When I don't, its usually not more than 2-3 shots w/o wiping.

CrackStock said:

#0000 buck is 0.38” weighs 85 grains.

This is very small for a .40 in my opinion. I have shot .390 from miked and weighed balls, but found accuracy lacking in my Green Mountain barrel. .395 is far better with .400 being the best accuracy, but a chore to load. I have to hammer to get these to start and then they can be pushed down without too great of an effort.

I have 5 moulds to feed my .40 and can send you s sample if you like.


I appreciate the offer...if I end up with a GM, I'll start with the Hornady .395s and decide from there...would rather have an over-the-counter ball work of course for ease of getting more of them...
I've been using Hornady .395's with my new rifle with a GM bl, and a little older one with a Colerain bbl. I like the Hornady rb's. :thumbsup:

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