Ah someone mentioned using horsetails as a abrasive , I'm not sure on what your meaning , is it the tassle from corn your using as a horse tail , I'm lost help me please. bb75
Some of the river canes have a lot of silica in their cell walls. The type they are talking about is evidently called Horsetail. This type of material has been used as sandpaper for hundreds of years.
Your talking about river cane is that the same as cane found in swampy regions here in Georgia the insert I just looked at was real small but looks like bamboo that grows wild near me . bb75
Horsetail is not river cane. Look up "equisetum". This is a ribbed stalk, grows a max of 4 feet tall, the diameter is less than 3/8", it looks prehistoric, and it is also known as "scouring rush". If anybody wants to try some and would pay for shipping I'd send you some.
Horsetail may not be a river cane type plant. Get some of the river or swamp cane and try it. It does the same thing. Horsetail may be superior to it. I don't know. It does work. Actually, a hand full of reeds is the just about the best sanding material for irregular objects on the wood lathe.
Well thank you for the interesting photo from Berckly, I have never see any, acctually never looked for it either, but will start allways interested in natural tools. bb75