Just leave it in the can it came in and keep the lid on tight to keep out moisture. Not King Kong tight just good and snug is fine. If you are talking just one pound, why not keep it in the closet? Works for me. Actually, I have several pounds and keep it all in a cabinet in my garage. While black powder has its dangers, it is not like keeping a pet Rattlesnake. Just keep it in its original can and put it in your gun cabinet, closet or wherever. Just don't store it anywhere near an open flame and you will be okay. Static electricity is not a problem. Many experiments have been done to see if static electricity could set off black powder and it can't. Of course if you subject it to a huge spark from a Van Degraff generator or a Tesla coil, you might be looking at a different can of worms. But normal static electricity around the house is of no concern as far as it igniting black powder. It won't.