How many spares for a day hunt?

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May 15, 2003
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Seeing the talk about loading block sizes makes me wonder what the average RB hunter carries for a day hunt...I go with a loaded rifle + everything I need for 3 reloads.
Bout the same here 3-4 reloads. So far, haven't needed more than one shot except for one occasion. And that was when using Buffalo Ball-etts instead of round balls.
LOL. I usually have fixins for 30+ rounds and a pound of powder in the horn. Just in case I get waylaid by a pack of hostiles or the society collapses while I'm away, I guess. Remember Odysseus? Went out for a beer and came home 10 years later. I carry the same pouch for deer/squirrel/bunny hunting, as for plinking, as for target shooting.

When I hunt in regular gun season I carry six Quik Loads in a belt pouch and no horn.

For scatterguns: fixins for 24 shots. Leaves me like 20 unused on my best days. :youcrazy:

I should also note that I can fit all the fixins for 30 rounds of PRB and clean-up afterwards into a 6
i guess bout 16 or so....just pack up and go never put alot of thought into but make sure i do have enough................bob
One in the gun, and 3 spares in the pouch while I'm in the feild....but I always make sure I have more in the car, just in case! :winking:
I dunno.....I make sure my powder horn is full, my bullet bag is full, my cap box is full, or I have my "extra flint" bag with me and a little roll or two of cleaning patches and patching material, jag, the usual stuff we all carry.....depending on caliber of rifle I'm using I'd guess 20-50 shots....mebbe more, mebbe less...

I have a small hunting pouch I carry with one roll of ticking, 2 spare flints, and 6 roundballs. I also put an extra of everthing in my haversack as a backup incase I lose or drop something in the woods....or as in one trip; I fell in a creek (or small river as I sometimes tell the story) and most of what was in my pouch spilled out. :cry: My haversack items were saved by it's button flap! ALWAYS CARRY A SPARE! :thumbsup:
I carry as many as I can, usually about 50+ shots...
25 on each side in ball bags with my .75 Bess...

100+ with my smaller bores...

You never know what will happen, you could get lost and need to hunt for food, or get attacked by a pack of wild dogs... (you can reload from a tree if you have something to load with...)

It is better to have too much and not need it, than it is to need it and not have enough...

Remember, a muzzleloader without lead and powder becomes a club...
Remember, a muzzleloader without lead and powder becomes a club...

in zonies case the flash from the silver will scare even a bear away and not need to use it as a club. :crackup: .....................................bob
I carry the loaded rifle, five spare powder charges in 35mm film containers, 10 spare roundball (why it happens who knows, but I always drop one. My friends claim I am planting lead trees) or conical bullets depending on what I am hunting with, two rolls of pillow tick patch, a old cap tin of bullet lube, my moose milk spritzer bottle, a small spritzer bottle of denatured alcohol, some cleaning patches, all the tools needed to tear the gun down, a spare nipple, and I fill my Ted Cash capper (about 75 caps give or take) and carry the remaining extra spare caps in the tin in my pants pocket in case one or the other is lost.

After season is over I usually have all the same stuff still in my zippered fanny pack which also carries all the other needed stuff to hunt for the day....
If hunting deer, I'll have about a dozen but if rabbits or chuck hunting I'll have about 50 or so.
If deer hunting, I am ever the optimist and carry no less than ten loads. Maybe that should be pessimist. Whatever. If squirrel hunting, I take at least 15 shots, as I have seen me in operation before. I do not use film canisters, speed loaders, etc to hunt with because all my shooting, both practice and trail walk matches are done from the bag and horn. That is what I am used to and to try some different method when the adrenalin is up is asking for problems. I agree with the old saying that you do for serious what you did for practice. :imo:
I figure about 20 balls fer skwerls,about 10 fer deer.I have my horn attached just above my bag,dont know why i really even need the bag.Aint nuthin in it but a ball screw and a spare jag an a tin of caps.Every thing i need to reload is on my bag straps or hangen from it.I hate digen around in a the bag when its time to load,so i dont :winking:
Seeing the talk about loading block sizes makes me wonder what the average RB hunter carries for a day hunt...I go with a loaded rifle + everything I need for 3 reloads.

Seeing the different replies, I realized my question was too general...thinking only about deer hunting I carry about the same as if I was hunting a .30-30 with a few shells stuffed in the magazine;

The few times I've looked for Doves I've carried a couple dozen reloads, but haven't gotten into enough doves yet to need them;

When I try squirrels this year with the .45 flinter, figure I'll carry 6-8 for a morning hunt cause it's a long walk from the truck but probably far more than I'll need

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