Probably no perfect way for everyone. I tried the individual paper wrapped shot cartridges and they can become a mess, at least for me. I have tried the snake and for me it seemed to be in the way, for me. I prefer the shot pouch like an original American Flask and set the premeasure I like. Many of them only come in two measures 1 1/4oz and 1 1/2oz. So, I go to a hobby shop and get some brass tubing that is a snug fit inside the spout. This I will cut to sleave, fit between the two loading gates to get the exact measure of shot I want. Depending on the gun I am using it will be either 1oz. or 7/8oz. of shot. I carry about 3 lbs. of shot this way in my pocket, which is about 48 shots. This is an English style head, but some would use nothing but an Irish head. Try something to see what you like and it may be different than any of these.