. 06:20 oct 19
i have the .58cal version which probably won't do much for your inquiry other than to say they are a handful !
so far mine has done well with .575 conicals and .570 prb each with about 35gr FFF.. heavy loads are risky due to the all wooden grip so i haven't pushed it beyond that.
the only problem i've had is getting the hang of that rear sight.. it seems to shoot really low in the up position, and in the down position, i have to use dead reckoning, so to speak.
i just keep in mind that it was originally designed as a last chance, close quarters weapon and don't expect too much for targets beyond 25yrds.
surprisingly, they're in the 'bargin cave' at cabela's which usually means it's going to be discontinued.... very strange.
hope that helps,
~daniel~ :thumbsup: