Howdy'all, don't you just love this weather? cold, wet, and still rainin!!! but the good thing, I'm in the shop. whitch brings me to my qustion. I'm making a spring for my powder flask. and I cant get it springy eough, I heat it, and cool it, frist i tried water, too britle, then I tried coolin it in oil. but it just don't spring back. somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong.. I've made mainsprings before, and they work good, but this one is abit thin.about 1/8". Oh by the way, I'm kinda new here, but after readin a bit, I feel right at home, just like Texas boys, move right in and set up camp. whats fer supper? :grin: :yakyak: you'all have any ideas on that round flask spring let me know, I know I could buy one, but why? I like maken'em. well I hope i can anyway