With the Millions or Billions of Houses that have been built over the past few Hunderd years all being painted with Lead Paint and every kid I grew up with we all played in the dirt next to the houses and ate the veggies, tomatos etc. that were grown there. all the Toxic Chemicals poured into the rivers, streams by Textile Mills, Tannerys and Arsenic and the crop dusting with DDT to keep the bugs down, being sprayed with Cloridane and Agent Orange ( Specracide) Weed killer that were used everywhere. I ated when the Crop dusters flew down the dirt roads with open ditches for sewers and you had no place to hide. what differance does it make. Unkle Sam made us Swabbys rip out Asbestous for the Boats in the Shipyards using our own knives and blow it down with compressed air and sweep it up with dustpan and brooms. no resperators, no saftey glasses, no hearing protection, no steel toe boots. so dont tell me that these libtards that never worked a day in their lives give a ***** about anyone. Yea a Silent Sping, but now wverything in life is Silent. Cant even lip read what people are saying due to the Chines e Plague and everyone wearing masks. It will all be over soon so a long Dirt nap may be relaxing.