I have a Cabelas Hawkins kit in...

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40 Cal.
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
The caplock kit is in .54 cal and it is made by Traditions.

I want to get a .32 cal barrel for it that will drop into the stock so I can switch it out from .54 to .32 cal so I can go plink with my son and his .32 cal.

Where would I find such a barrel?

And what do they cost?
Are you sure it's made by Traditions? The only Cabelas Hawkens that I know of are made by Investarms. Green Mountain makes drop in barrels for the Investarms Hawken.
Plink said:
Are you sure it's made by Traditions? The only Cabelas Hawkens that I know of are made by Investarms. Green Mountain makes drop in barrels for the Investarms Hawken.

OOPS yes you are right it is made by Investarms.

Anybody have ideas on where to get a buy on this barrel? I will check on the Green Mountain drop in, Who sells them and for how much?

Should I just get the parts and make one?

For some reason I can't edit my origional post to correct the maker of the rifle.
For Green Mountain drop in barrels try Tip Curtis at 615-654-4445 or e mail him at [email protected].
He has a good selection and fast shipment.
I just got one for my TC, the price was good and I had it in less than a week.
Are the Green Mountain drop in barels for the Investarms the same as what they sell for the TC Hawkens or are they a whole new animal?
According to the GM website, they do not make an IBS 15/16" flintlock barrel in anything smaller than .50 cal. To bad, I'd like to get one in .36 for the same gun you have. BTW, the GM IBS barrels for the Cabela's Hawken is the same as for the TC's . . .
The reason is likely that this would be a very heavy rifle. Consider that you have a thick barrel and a tiny hole in it. That is a lot of steel hanging out there. Also consider a tiny bore with a large breechplug. Maybe not impossible, but surely comical.

Contact Tip and if he will not do it, then there must be a good reason and you should consider another option for your smallbore.


I understand that a .36 bore in a 15/16 barrel would be pretty hefty, but I carry a 14# Rolling Block and that doesn't bother me. I'm a good sized guy and would be up to the challenge. That being said, it would be nice to just be able to swap out the .54 barrel for a .36 and not have the price of a complete new gun in a barrel . . .

Watch yer topknot . . . Otter
If cabelas is an investarms, and if tc fits cabelas, based on the info above,
I would lookat totw.
I called Tip and he has the .32 cal drop in barrel for this Cabelas hawkin so that is what I will go with.

It will be just for plinking with my son when he shoots his little .32 blue Ridge so the weight will make no difference at all.
I have a T/C Hawken rifle stock here & also have a Cabelas Hawken Rifle kit here & it will not drop in the T/C stock. Would have to do a rib mod & also a mod on the patent breech to get it to go past the T/C lock & then am not SURE iit will line up to the hammer & etc. Now the Grn Mtn. drop-in may fit them both as of how they made it, don't have one here to try them both, but I do know this Investarms barrel will not drop-in the T/C stock.
Also, I found this Cabelas/Investarms barrel was improperly breeched & had 1/8"+ headspace between the breechface & bore & had to rebreech the rifle. :shake: To get everything lined back to the proper flat & all lost almost 3/16" of barrel. That means I have to move the underlug to get it to the right place for the wedgepin to go in. This is something that should be checked first thing if you buy a Investarms kit. Maybe this is a fluke but still worth noting..... :hmm:

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