I am in the process of assisting a widow in disposing of her late husband’s firearms. I am having difficulty discerning what brand this handgun is. The only marks I find include, “Black Powder Only”, “RG”, & “PN”. Any help will be appreciated.
It's an 1858 Remington reproduction (Italian made), the PN is the Italian Black Powder proof. Might be an EIG (1970s) make. What's the serial number?I am in the process of assisting a widow in disposing of her late husband’s firearms. I am having difficulty discerning what brand this handgun is. The only marks I find include, “Black Powder Only”, “RG”, & “PN”. Any help will be appreciated.
Not coming up with anything. Are there any other markings? Any other at all that you haven't listed?Thanks for the reply. The serial number is, 24099
On the frame, the first is the Gardone proof mark, Gardone is a proofing house. The middle one I can't make out the symbol or lettering in the box.Found the number “36” see pic. Also, can’t figure out the upside down “RG”, and “XXX”.
On the butt strap I thought I saw another stamp to the right of the numbers. Unfortunately the pictures aren't close enough for these older eyes to make out.PN = Polvore Nero - black powder.
From what I can make out it almost looks like it could be a DGG which would make it a San Paolo or Euroarms who bought out San Paolo, Euroarms was later bought by Pedersoli.Thanks for all the info. It is a 36cal, built by ? The pic below is the butt strap marked with what I think is, “RAG”
Thanks for all the info. It is a 36cal, built by ? The pic below is the butt strap marked with what I think is, “RAG”
Thanks, actually didn't know about RAG, now I do. Looks like his is a reproduction of the Remington-Beals 1858 Navy model.RigArmi [Rino Galesi Armi (RAG), Industria Rino Galesi, Brescia, Italy]. The logo is a stylized set of the original letters RAG , the Founder's initial R and G arranged higher than Armi's A slightly below and between the other 2 letters. It was a small obsure Italian manufacturer in Northern Italy. There is no source for parts.
They also made parts for C.O.M. Gardone V.T., an association of Italian manufacturers who jointly produced revolvers for the European market and maybe for the international market, in the period of the 1970'-80's when demand was strong enough to require a significant production of low-end products, allowing it to manufacture in different workshops the different parts of each weapon assembled under a single brand, not allowing of the original manufacturer and possible harm to its reputation.
This is a RigArmi Colt 1860 Army.
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What I'm seeing is the new Piettas and Ubertis going for around $300, can't say what this one might go for.Thanks very much to all that responded! This forum is the best I’ve been on including, Win Collectors. After my 14 day trial is completed, I plan to post this handgun on the classified. Any comments of a fair price to ask?