Inletting Triggers

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32 Cal.
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Well the lock is now inletted on my first build
Tennessee rifle with only one minor gap at the tail to be fixed, and I have inletted the trigger plate pretty well (no noticeable gaps), with the adjusting screw under the sear.

No one (Dixon, Buchele, Alexander, etc) seems to spend any time discussing the rest of the pieces such as the triggers themselves and the springs. Any tricks or things to beware of ??

The triggers are double set, single phase.

Many thanks
Just make sure the wood does not impinge on the action of the triggers at all- if you inlet them "unset" this will take care of that possible problem. Then make sure that the trigger when unset does not impinge on the sear, etc, to keep the gun safe.
well, i'm glad it went better for you than it did for me. my first trigger inlet was an unmitigated disaster. some stuff i learned: (rather suffer the embarassment than have everyone else run the risk of making the same dumb mistakes...)

make sure the trigger is in the right position front- to- back, so that the various bars trip the sear of the lock.

make sure that you account for the depth of the trigger plate when you make these calculations. the best part of the pencil isn't necessarily the pointy end.

make sure (if you are putting in a set trigger) that the rear trigger is set when you go to figure out where the trigger guard really goes. This way you're not putting the guard too far toward the butt. Make sure to accomodate for the depth of the base of the trigger guard when you make these calculations. the best part of the pencil...

then, get out the exotic wood and inlet to cover the gaps... ebony in a Southern Mountain? in- your- face- not- period- correct- yes- i- meant- that.

well, it does look knida cool, actually, and it really jazzes up the piece, and besides, i', neither PC not PC...

good luck, sneak up on it.
