Picked this up a while ago in a box of miscellaneous stuff, it’s different to say the least, powder flask I’m assuming, plug is long gone, interesting depiction of a dogs around the bottom, any ideas, comments welcome.
Leather or rawhide possibly, it has a sewn seam along the length.I can't tell what it is made from...wood maybe?
Possibly, the dogs around the bottom seem to have something treed, birds maybe, hard to tell.maybe a bird shot flask
I see a bird for sure. That and the large mouth (for a flask) have me thinking it is a shot flask.Possibly, the dogs around the bottom seem to have something treed, birds maybe, hard to tell.
Didn’t consider that, interesting.Wonder if that a leather cover over a gourd? Might explain the odd shape.
Kinda leaning towards that myself considering.Interesting, It looks to me more like a shot pouch rather than a powder flask.
Now that’d be a conversation piece for sure.Leather, Middle Eastern. They are often tooled and are made from a camel's scrotum. Let's see if this generates as many comments as the thread on coon bones.
I think it is for shot, not powder!.Picked this up a while ago in a box of miscellaneous stuff, it’s different to say the least, powder flask I’m assuming, plug is long gone, interesting depiction of a dogs around the bottom, any ideas, comments welcome.
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I've thought about making a round ball bag from a deer scrotum, but i havent bothered to do so. Plenty to do field dressing and hauling out a deer without worrying about that one added task.Mabie it is made from a deer's or bull's, scrotom?
Mabie it is made from a deer's or bull's, scrotom?