About fifteen years ago a friend of mine traded me a lance point shown below for some custom BT/beadwork on a sheath, this point was cast in bronze then painted to look like Mahogany obsidian, the man who made it first knapped a point out of obsidian to make a mold to cast the point, I was told it took him three attempts before he made one that did not break, it is 10" by 2 1/4" by about 1/4"-5/16" I was going to make a Buffaloe lance out of it but didn't get to it and the point just kind of got lost in the shuffle untill I ran across it yesterday,The guy who gave it to me got it from the maker and he was told that only three were cast and the mould was broken, maybe a tall tale there but I have no way of knowing if there are only three or three thousand of them,I was curious if any one had seen such a point at Vous or other events in the last decade or so,i think the maker was from the South West, just making the point out of obsidian is quite a feat as it was done the original way as I was told, not useing rock saws and press machines to knapp with, I think a lot of the larger blades and points are now made by the "cheating" method with modern tools,anyway I thought I would share a pic of this piece with anyone who is interested