
Muzzleloading Forum

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Dec 14, 2013
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Greetings, fellow muzzleloaders!
I have been shooting black powder guns both muzzle loading and cartridge since age 13 in 1976. My interest in old guns came as a result of my interest in U.S. history which began at about age 9 or 10. My Dad bought me my first muzzleloader for my 13th birthday in 1976. It was a 45 cal. CVA kentucky rifle kit gun. Since then I have owned many different muzzle and breech loading black powder guns. I have competed in the NSSA, and cowboy action shooting sports. The focus of my shooting endeavors for most of those years has been military rifles and muskets, but in recent years I have moved toward civilian sporting type guns such as the sharps sporting models, winchester '73, and the early flintlock rifles. I am a traditionalist, and I use only black powder in all my muzzleloaders, and in most of my cartridge guns.I also enjoy shooting cap & ball revolvers. I have done some limited reinacting, but I find target shooting with live ammo much more satisfying.
Your Dad started you off right! Those CVA Kentuckies were not pretty but they sure did the job. Sounds like you got a good start. Welcome to the gang. Jump in with any questions or comments. We're never short :wink: of an opinion on anything!

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