Irish charger for powder?

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Aug 22, 2004
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I just got a double snake with Irish charger heads to use with my caplock scattergun. Tried it out today. #6 shot works perfectly, but the powder doesn't do so well. The measure jams, the gate leaks, etc. I know that powder flasks with Irish chargers used to be used, so what do y'all think the problem might be? (Using Pyrodex RS set at 1 oz by volume, btw.) Thanks for any advice.
Welcome Homesteader.

I have a shot snake with an Irish head. I believe the head I have was made in India, and while it does a good job with shot there is just no way It could be used for powder without the spillage you mention. The tolerances just are too large and it is miles from watertight. Irish powder must have been what we consider cannon grade kernels.
Original Irish Measures had tighter tolerances than do the replicas. The country of manufacture should tell the story on why they leak badly with powder. Their tolerances aren't up to snuff, so to speak :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:.(snuff would leak, too.)
Thanks for the input, fella's. Guess I'll drain the powder and fill the second snake with birdshot, and just buy myself a good ole Friendship flask for powder. (Nuthin' wrong with that one for a scattergun, is there?) Sure hate that I wasted the extra money, but maybe that'll be the worst thing that happens to me this year... Thanks again.
DARYL TOLD A JOKE!!!! YA, HE SAID "Their tolerances aren't up to snuff, so to speak :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:"
It did have a bit of British flavor to it, but it was a gosh honest joke.

Just funnin with you Daryl. Have a good one! :)
better than a French twist? HAHAHAHAHA! another one - I prefer lime, myself - another one! - yeah, OK, I'll stop.
I found that the easiest way to hunt with the 12 gauge was to use pre measured plastic shot and powder holders. Carrying 4 or 5 green plastic holders filled with shot, powder,cap, OP and OS wad and cushion wad made it a joy I was spilling shot too often with the irish measure.
Well Homesteader,

Yer charger's probably just chokin' on that damnable Pyrodex stuff ya put in it!! :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. I've always wanted a loader like that but mentor told me to get the other type I believe they call it the English loader it has a measuring cup instead of a mechanical spout! Just something else to fail!

I made myself a shot bag with a antler spout and load my powder from a horn. Good luck with whatever you decide on.

Chuck Goodall
The Original Huntin' Fool
Kanawha Ranger Scribe
Everyone has thier favorite, but mine is the English head. If you notice you will see my original Irish heads that are missing their removeable head. Of course you can see that you are dumping a full charge with a Irish head, but you soon can tell the same with an English head. Come on doves, I am ready!
we might spill a few grains of powder but never an .oz
of stout or whiskey(for sure) :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :thumbsup: :peace: :imo: :m2c:

p.s. or at least i have'nt :results:
