Words mean things. The rub is how its defined or how that definition is interpreted. The misinterpretation of words and the way they are intended is exacerbated on the internet because we are visual animals and without a face to face, where facial expression, body language along with emphasis and intonement placed on words, its easy for people to not see they are sometimes in agreement, and think they are not. Jaeger means simply, hunter. To a fan of antique automobiles, its a car, to a vinter, its a grape. To people steeped in old guns, it is a 'type' of gun. What I call mine is, Jaeger type, or American Jaeger type with a heavy dose of what I call Livingston County influences :wink: . They were made using Shumway's book, and, before I had the Internet. This is why I come here and another forum, for enlightenment, am thankful for that when I get it, and humbly make no apologies for what I have done, or how I might define them.