Help please!!!!!!! Im interested in building my own kit for either a pistol or smoothbore rifle flint or percussion. Ive been following yall's post for awhile now and have looked on the web sites u have suggested. Some of the prices for the kits seem abit steep for a good ole country boy. Im looking for something easy to start with. Wood working is not a problem but im more concerned with the any metal work that night be envolved. One of my goals is to eventually build a blunderbuss. I havnt seen any kits or any for sale for that matter. Does any one know where i could find one? I would also like to practice on the stock with a cheaper wood. Something like pine. Where could i find a lank stock made of pine? At the moment im still in Korea for another 5 month. While Im here i would like to perchuse a book/video on building a kit. Any suggestions?