Drilling tangs for pins can always be a challenge. Some blades are hardened completely. If you clamp the blade in a vise, using soft jaws( made of copper, brass, or aluminum sheet metal- not plastic!) to protect the finish of the blade, The vise acts as a heat sink. Then heat the tang up red hot( or hotter) and drill the hole while the tang is still hot. This works on the toughest steels, and your standard high carbon Steel Drill Bit will cut through the tang like it is butter, or soft wood. Remove the heat, and cool the tang with a very wet rag. File off any burrs on the back side of the tang, and its ready to be fitted to the slabs. Use the tang as a guide for your drill when drilling the tabs.
If you use a piece of antler, or something else that is whole, then drill the hole for the pin(s)through the antler FIRST, and use it as guide to mark the spot on the tang where you need to drill the hole there. Remove the handle from the tang, and then heat the tang as I indicate above, before drilling it.
As for pin material, I have used brazing rod, which is about 1/8" diameter, and made of nickle copper. I simply stopped by a local machine shop and bought one of the rods he buys by the dozens for his shop work. I may even still have a piece of it left in my tool box. Its hard stuff, but softer than using steel pins. The brazing rod peens over easily, and does not rust easily. When I install the pins, I put some epoxy resin glue in the pin hole, use a file to put a couple of notches in the sides of the pin to give the glue somewhere to hold, and drive the pin into the hole. Clean up the epoxy glue that comes out the back side, and set the knife aside to let the glue set up. Peen the ends( you can use a bit more material at first, and simply use wire cutters to cut them off close to the slab, or antler) and then polish or finish the handle.
Bone needs to have Oil soaked into its pores to help it stay strong, or it will become brittle with handling and washing and crack, and then break. Antler is actually mineral deposits, and has no pores. Just put a good finish of some kind- like paste wax on the handle, and enjoy.