I wasn't sure whick forum to put these in. Since the words "craftsman" and "traditional" are hard to define, I believe these are appropriate here. I made these knives when I was about eight years old. Today they are not far from being antiques. I found a couple old blades and filed and ground them to a shape that seemed OK to me. We were staying in a cottage in the woods in Michigan, I probably found the antler in the woods. Don't recall. Enneyhow, I just sorta gouged out holes in the antler and forced the blades into those holes fastening with hot hide glue (my father did woodworking and had a hot pot). To this day those blades are very secure and couldn't be removed with an act of Congress. I made a third knife that has gotten lost with the years. I ground the blade from a file using my father's grinder. The wheel was down to almost nothing by the time I was finished. When my father saw that I was almost finished. :shocked2: Considering I made these about 1946 and still have them, that is the amazing part. I put them here because they are no-talent items, probably no different than someone would have made out of necessity using old tool steel and antler for handles on the frontier 'back then'.