Lambsquarters, pigweed, goose foot

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Nov 25, 2010
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My garden is infested with Lambs quarter this year (up wind neighbor had some last year :( ).

I know it can be eaten. Anyone eaten much of it?

Have a Recipe or two?

Problems? Turns your skin green? Kills every 3rd person? :shocked2:
It is widely recognized as an eminently edible wild plant. It's a "green" though, so I've never tried it... :barf:


There's actually not a whole lot out there growing wild that isn't edible! So many unwanted "weeds" that are far more nutritious than most crops... especially modern frankenfoods.
We eat it all the time.
Here in Michigan all you have to do is rototill and wait, it just grows. We usually pick it small (4-6") and boil it up like spinach. I use butter or bacon grease and salt and pepper on mine the wife puts butter and vinegar on hers.
My grandparents used to can them up in mason jars and ate them all winter.
We just eat em till we're sick of them and I start feeding them to the hogs.

Never turned me or the pigs green and my wife's ornery even when she doesn't eat them so they can't be blamed for it.
Wilted them in a little bacon grease, smoked paprika, and chili powder. Then finished with a touch of chicken stock, salt & pepper.

That was last night & I ain't dead yet! :)

One more item to add to the look for list.

I don't know about you all, but I love the reactions you get when you walk into camp with an edible. Some try it :youcrazy: , some watch you eat it & ask a lot of questions :thumbsup: , some can't even watch because they are SURE you will be dead by morning (even if it is just some raspberries).
(You must be "associating with" a crowd of "city kitties" and/or DYs, who believe that eating a rare T-bone steak, frog legs, Thai food and/or a bowl of "Pho with meatballs" is a "real culinary adventure" AND who think that Hunt's ketchup & Worchester sauce is "exotic".)

Note: Recently on this forum, a "long-time member" opined that he actually LIKED the disgusting slop served at "Taco Bell".
(My adult/adopted daughter, who was born/raised in Mexico, calls that: "The place that smells BAD".)

yours, satx
satx78247 said:
Note: Recently on this forum, a "long-time member" opined that he actually LIKED the disgusting slop served at "Taco Bell".
(My adult/adopted daughter, who was born/raised in Mexico, calls that: "The place that smells BAD".)

yours, satx

My son was with me in :hmm: Mexican Hat, I think. I ate mutton & fry bread from the flea market, he ate "Taco Bell". He was :barf: all the way home :rotf:
About the same difference & "Taco-SMELL" still sells "disgusting slop" = The ONLY thing from there that I'll buy is Dr. Pepper.

yours, satx
The only time Taco Bell tasted good to me was when we rolled into Camp Taji, Iraq.

But that was after 180 :doh: days of MRE's and T-rations!

I think I ate 24 taco's in 6 hours, and then spent the next six hours in one of those little blue plastic saunas that smell bad. :doh:
The Navajo I got the food from asked me "what's a white gut doing eaten rez (Reservation) food?"
I told him "if this was Rhode Island I'd be asking for lobster. I'm in New Mexico :grin: I want mutton & fry bread. . . . . . . :haha: OK you want chilies?

Heck ya :grin:

Man nothing like thin cut mutton & fry bread made before your eyes!
How VERY well do I understand that!!!

When we "came in from the bush, WAY down South"
(after weeks of MRE, and few of those at "Site VI",)
26 of us "advisors & MS&TT staffers" headed to "Juan(the taxi-driver) first cousin's diner" and STUFFED ourselves on:
piles of flame-roasted chicken,
(I'm now ashamed to admit that I had 3 chicken HALFs, in about an hour.)
baked & "campfire-style" potatoes,
heaping platters of rice & black beans,
platters of hot arepas,
bowls of fresh fruit,
candy, cakes & pies
several pitchers of POLAR beer.

yours, satx
I had a "World-class BELLY-ACHE", afterward.

TRUTH is, we were so HUNGRY that we really didn't care that we were "so stuffed that we were miserable" after that welcomed meal. - A steady diet of "MEALS REJECTED BY ETHOPIANS" (and NOT enough of those) and "about half-raw" monkey,lizard, snake & "scavenged other stuff" is UNPLEASANT, especially when there's little of any of it to share.

yours, satx
Sean Gadhar said:
My son was with me in :hmm: Mexican Hat, I think. I ate mutton & fry bread from the flea market, he ate "Taco Bell". He was :barf: all the way home :rotf:
You lucky duck! All the flea markets around central Texas are like ole Chihuahua. Though, on occasion, you can find some really great homemade stuff but you have to ask. State send inspectors to see if anybody's selling food stuffs without a food vendor's license. One of the local guys keeps an old dog collar with a tag hanging from it behind the serving bar. Every now and then he get's the gringo loco who'll ask, "Hey, what kind'a meat is this?" You know where it goes from there. He loses the odd customer, but gets to laugh his cojones off! :rotf:
Some of the flea markets around The Alamo City have great food for CHEAP & some sell "OVER-priced goop", that I wouldn't give to a stray dog.

For example, "Carmelita's food stall", at the so-called "Mexican market" out on the Poteet Highway, has:
GREAT/LARGE "breakfast tacos", with egg/chorizo/cheese/HOT sauce OR refried beans/bacon/cheese, for a BUCK on weekends until Noon,
BIG turkey legs (BBQed over mesquite) for 4-Bucks,
HUGE orders of "fresh-cut" French fries for a Buck
bottled beer/soft drinks for a Buck, too.

just my opinion, satx
bit 'off topic' but Q'd turkey legs and/or wings are getting popular at fairs and shows around here. along with pork chop sangwichs.
getting biz away from burger, dog and pulled/chopped Q sandwichs.
When I was growing up most mothers I knew had a standard answer for everything that didn't come out of a can from the grocery store, "It's poison, eat that and you'll die!" It takes some time to get over 16 or 18 years of that. Even if you found a book or some other form of information that said otherwise you still got, "It's poison, eat that and you'll die!" :doh: