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I have a 44 cal Dutch - style snapping matchlock from the same maker - I used it at the MLAIC World's in 1989 (badly - my fault) , the maker also shot it in the gunmakers match at Friendship on my way home to NZ - all there were amazed at the speed of ignition - they're quick!! Being a smoothbore to get accuracy you need speed so my load is at least 90grs of FFFg GOEX or NZ 'Holy Smoke' Powder with a wadded and patched 430 ball - this has produced cutting groups at 50Meters (55 Yds).I used to get my Matchcord from Dixie which worked great but they seem to have stopped having it, I have tried to make my own which was only 'ok' at best - lately I've got some from Tanner Moulds in UK; that seems fine and being thicker in diameter than the Dixie cord seems to give better ignition if that's possible. Either way enjoy your "Matchies" and being a member of the "Brotherhood of the Burning Rope"
