Run a cleaning patch down the barrel, dampened with a bit of spit, and see if you can feel it pulling on the threads in the patch. If it is, you have burrs on the edges of the land, and doing some mild clean up will save you lots of frustration shooting a new gun that won't shoot good groups, and tears holes in your patches.
I use a double patch, oiled, and then put Pearl Drops toothpaste on the patch, to run down the barrel. The Toothpaste has a VERY FINE abrasive in it, and its enough to remove the feathers( burrs) on the edges of the land, and also polish the land a bit. 50-100 stroked, and several patch changes- when the patch turns Black, its time to at least flip it over, or to use a new patch, with more toothpaste- will do the job. Then, go shoot it.
READ YOUR SPENT PATCHES. if you are getting tears from burrs, they will be located at the corners of the lands on the patch( both grooves and patches leave marks on patches.)
A properly sized, and lubed patch will come out with fringing on the edges, from being whipped back when it hits the air in front of the muzzle. In the middle, the patch will be "whiter" than the rest of the fabric, and almost dry of whatever lube you used. Then you will see a dark brown to black ring where the patch makes contact with the bore, and in the rings you will see straight marks representing the lands a grooves.
What you don't want to see is Black STREAKS coming from the lands and going forward of the ring. And you don't want to see any tearing, or holes in the patches. Tearing is rips into the center, and through the ring( if one even is visible), not the whipped fringe on the edges.
Some barrel crowns are too sharp, and cut patches as you start the PRB down the muzzle on the sharp edges of the lands. You will have to use a lag bolt head, or the butt of a file handle, to back some abrasive cloth to go down and polish the edges off the front of the lands to stop this.
All these are things you can do with a new barrel before ever firing a shot out of it. It prevents a lot of frustration at the range, if you take cared of these problems before going TO THE range. :hatsoff: