The Dixie Gun Works catalog has a table in the back pages that lists diameter of ball, its weight and number per pound. In the 2004 catalog this is on page 671.
I haunt Ebay, looking for bullet moulds. The older round ball moulds were most often marked with the number of balls per pound, not diameter of the ball.
Thus, you may find an old round ball mould marked "84" for a ball diamter of .380 inch, "42" for .480 inch ball and "14" for a ball of .680 inch.
By the way, this is the same system used to establish the gauge of shotguns: the number of balls of equal size, that may be cast from one pound of lead.
I know of no quick mathematical equation, easily done in the head, to figure out how many balls may be cast from a pound of lead.
Use a scale to measure the weight of the ball, divide that into 7,000 (the number of grains of weight per pound) and you'll know how many balls may theoretically cast from a pound of lead.
Of course, this is only good for a perfectly round sphere, with no sprue. And it doesn't factor in waste during the casting process.