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40 Cal.
Sep 2, 2006
Reaction score
I am a cast bullet shooter.. I have a 4570 and with wheel weight plain base bullets I start getting leading at around 1450 fps..... I am about to start with muzzle loading and with pure lead bullets when should I expect to get some leading....
Never if U shoot roundball. Actually I never had leading with conicals either nor in my 4570 with soft and hard cast bullets.
I don't shoot them at 1450 fps either.
YOu need to use a better lube on those 45-70s if you are going to shoot at those velocities. With a Patched Round Ball( PRB) the patching keeps the lead ball from contacting the barrel, and you get no leading.

Try alox for a lube with those 4570 bullets. And if that does not stop the leading, then run a lubed patch down the bore before chambering each round to lube the entire length of the barrel. That should reduce or eliminate the leading you now experience.

I found that using an alloy that does not contain Antimony eliminated most leading. Try a 1:20 tin to lead alloy for your bullets. We get 1500 fps from those without any sign of leading. Wheelweights contain antimony which makes the lead both hard and brittle. Hence the leading at higher velocities. At about 1750 fps, all lead bullets can be expected to lead a little.
I don't think I've ever pushed my conicals that fast in my MLs? Don't have a chronograpgh? The 50 might come close.

Regardless in my 50, 54, and 58 cal MLs have not seen any evidence of lead fouling using TC bore butter as lubricant with conicals. Note that I swab and lube barrel between shots.

Every time I clean them I've used a bronze brush and no evidence of any lead still there after I've got the fouling out. I still do it anyway just to be sure......sometimes I get some stuff thats not lead but looks like fouling with a bit of bore butter that the patches don't get too.
FWIW, I've shot quite a lot of TC .45cal/255grn Maxi-Hunters from both cap and Flint 1:48" barrels.

I usually use 90 or 100grns Goex 2F, Oxyoke wonderwad over the powder, and Natural Lube 1000 on the maxi's...TC's manual says the MV would be around 1700, and to my surprise I've never noticed any leading with them.
Been shootin my T/C .50 for 30 Yr now and no lead in my bore. Just use right loads and your OK :hatsoff:

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