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Went out the range today to try out my new powder, switching from swiss fffg to goex fffg. previously was running 60 of swiss so I tried 60, 70, and 80 grains of goex.

Puzzled by the results, 3 shots touching is as good as I've ever done at 50 yards, and I achieved that with two of these groups but plagued by the flyers. I've been using a band-aid with this rifle previously and was hoping that after shooting approximately 150 rounds prior to this outing I'd be able to drop the overpower wad that was keeping my patches from shredding but it appears that's still an issues (I've tried everything from drill, canvas, mason chino twill, denim, pillow ticking etc)

Equipment/loading is as follows

54 Cal Douglas barrel

.530 cast balls

mason chino twill

dawn dish soap and water as lube

swabbed between each 5 shots with a single alcohol swab

I think I may be compromising the patch material by the harsh start required to get the ball down, I'm considering stepping down to a .526 ball or I'll probably just switch back to overpowder wads before my next match

Just wondering if anyone can relate, it seems like my load development is never ending and somedays the data I collect is nearly useless.
