I've mentioned this before. Frank Costanza had a collection of over 90 original bags. Not a single short starter to be found. They didn't load a tight patch/ball combination. Look at original small bore rifles, with those original thin ramrods. They wouldn't have lasted for 150 years if they had to struggle to load a ball.
I think the reason later day shooters started in with short starters, was old timers shooting bench rifles were using them, many times with a false muzzle. That's a whole different ball game from what most of us do.
So, the new crop of shooters, starting back 50+ years ago figured, the bench shooters are using them and shooting amazing groups, so I need one, too.
Well, if you are shooting heavy bench rifles, maybe you do.
But if you shoot from the pouch to take a squirrel or a deer or an elk or a bear, or to shoot a trail walk, they are a waste of time. I can only think of a couple old timers in our group that use one.
If you are basically an off hand shooter, that extra half inch you may gain at the bench does nothing for you in the field. Make a patch / ball combination that loads easily.
Okay, I have my asbestos panties on, flame away!