Lee 6 cavity/ 18 shot mold

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40 Cal.
Jan 28, 2008
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Thinking about getting one of the Lee 6 cavity - 18 shot molds.Anyone ever use one ? Also, if you could only pick one size of shot to have what would it be ?
Lee molds are aluminum. They heat up quickly = good.
They don't hold heat well = bad.

I have a Lee multiple buckshot mold and it is impossible for me to cast more than 2/3 of them before the lead cools and stops filling the mold. The more cavities, the harder it is to get all good castings from an aluminum mold.
Steel molds from Lyman, RCBS, etc. do a better job but are much more expensive.
A bud (non-muzzleloading) got all spun up and bought the 00 mold to make shot for his beloved slingshot. He's stubborn or determined, take your pick. He reports that he's finally getting complete mold fills, but running his lead temp real high and thoroughly heating the mold. He said for the first half of a lead pot he gets about 50% fill rate until the mold gets good and hot, then everything is fine. His solution now is searching for a bigger melting pot. Man, does he ever go through a bunch of balls with that slingshot!
It will work. Just run it real hot, preheat good and have a nice big pot of lead or you run out of melt about the time you get going good. A big ladle too, big enough to cast without a second trip to the pot or you'll never keep it hot enough as the lead cools too quick.
It depends on what you are using the shot for....
if you are using it for buckshot then you have to consider how it's going to stack in whatever gauge you use.
Slingshot ammo?. size = personal preference.
I find .310 caliber works in 12 gauge and as gallery loads for modern guns...but the sprue is important so I use a single cavity mold.

Best all around and versatile choice would be BB sized shot...but that's not offered.

Of the ones offered by lee, probably the #4
I bought the #4 mold from Lee and their handles. Had to take a little out of one of the holes in the handles to get the mold to fit to it. Also noticed the mold doesn't close completely, you can see light when closed but this is a shot mold . I got about a 98% fill out rate which is pretty good. Watched a video on You tube and the guy was having a real hard time trying to get it filled. Bet his lead was to cool. All in all it works really well.

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