lee bullets

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tom hargrove

45 Cal.
Jul 22, 2006
Reaction score
blizzard of 93 sent me some lee conicles for my remmy. and i got to say i may never shoot another r/b the accurecy ,is much better and there seem to be a big power difference and the seem to be even e-z-r to load ,my groups were about 2" at 25yds and i am not a pistol shooter but thes thing cut my groups from r.b way down if you have a revolver you should try some they made a beliver out of me :bow:
Yep, he sent me some and they work real good in my Remmy too. But then so do rd balls. But with a 42 gr equivilent load of Pyrodex P under them, them are a quite powerful load, and accurate too..
Don't get caught up in the heavier-is-better routine. Some few years ago there was a serious study of percussion revolvers in .31, .36 & .44. All were tried with conicals and round ball projectile. Using the same results used with modern cartridge combat revolvers, the round ball rated 16% to 17% better than any conical in incapacitating hits. The only thing the conicals were superior in is penetration but with much smaller stretch cavities and crush cavities. This basic study gave results compared to modern guns and ammunition. The actual results showed the .31 to be equal to the .22 long-rifle in pistols. The .36 was very similar to the .380 acp hollow points and the .44's were found to duplicate the .44 Special HP lead bullet for the 1860 up to the lightest weight .41 Magnum for the Walker. It's the 800% percent difference in density in flesh and blood that turned the tables on percussion conicals.
far as I know the only commercially available slug for BP revolvers is the Buffalo 'ballet' which I haven't tryed, it's touted highly in sales pitch. I don't doubt that someone with a mold for the Lee slug that was meant for production (six cavity maybe) could sell quite a lot of 'em considering the price of the 'ballet's.
I also have a mold for the Lee .45 REAL slug I have shot some of in my ROA they really have some potential. they won't fit the chamber of my '58 but seems a loading stand would fit 'em in OK.
I suppose everyone has a favorite but I'm convinced myself of the suitability of slugs for BP revolvers, at least my '58 Rem 'Buffalo' model and my ROA.
Wes/Tex said:
Using the same results used with modern cartridge combat revolvers, the round ball rated 16% to 17% better than any conical in incapacitating hits. The only thing the conicals were superior in is penetration but with much smaller stretch cavities and crush cavities. This basic study gave results compared to modern guns and ammunition. The actual results showed the .31 to be equal to the .22 long-rifle in pistols. The .36 was very similar to the .380 acp hollow points and the .44's were found to duplicate the .44 Special HP lead bullet for the 1860 up to the lightest weight .41 Magnum for the Walker. It's the 800% percent difference in density in flesh and blood that turned the tables on percussion conicals.

sort of a vague statement, I'm not aware of the test but then don't keep up with all I should. I'm just very doubtful that a round ball has the in-flight stability, particularly at longer range or destructive potential that a slug does. not that there ain't been bu-ku killing done with RB but if something better had not come along they would still be the 'state of the art' I guess you could say.
I just know from experience that at longer range the slugs group tighter than RB and hit harder too. past about 20 paces the slugs begin to shine.
i dont know what a stretch cavity or a crush cavity is but i do know that a 230 gr conical will inflict superior damage and cause a much larger wound canal and induce more shock trauma than a lighter r/b will 6to 8"of penetration will cause 48% more shock factor than4" with a lesser mass wt. :thumbsup:
maybe slug users should use a jeweler's saw and make dum-dum slugs out of 'em. that'll do some damage fer sure.
i seen a wound that was inflicted by a 38spec.loaded with a 148gr hollow base wad-cutter .loaded with the hollow facing out it was not pretty,but i am getting off subject :shake:
I would not want to be a 'test subject' for pellet rifles or BB guns much less RB vs Conicals!
Ya got that right !! Ive found the Lee's to be real good but dont like the wt vs frame strength and the org REM and Colt dont get the job done 1/2 as good. Fred :hatsoff:
The way I see it, if we were fighting an enemy and trying to kill people discussing the difference between a roundball and slugs killing power might have merit.
The last time I looked we stopped fighting the enemy with cap and ball guns and black powder so, while I think it's great to fire bullets as well as round balls out of these guns when push comes to shove I say use the projectile that is most accurate and be happy. :grin:
zonie :)

Whether LEE bullets are accurate or not depends also on the twist rate of the rifling of the barrel : Pietta (Remmy and Colt) usually have slow rate and it does not stabilize the bullets hence balls are often much more accurate in these guns.
Some recent Uberti Remmy (not older ones) have a fast twist and then LEE bullets are as accurate as balls. The same for R§S with Lothar Walther barrel (fast twist).

This is my experience at 25 meters

have fun

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