Lee Liquid Alox for Patches?

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Apr 16, 2004
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OK, here's my next dumb question of the day...

I've got quite a few bottles of Lee Liquid ALox lube sitting around. Works great as a pistol bullet lube. I have no idea what the stuff's made of and am wondering about it as a patch lube (or as a lube for us on homemade wonderwads).

Anybody know what Alox is made of?
Anybody tried it in muzzleloading applications? If so, any success?
You can thin it a lot with muineral spirits, dip patches and let them dry. They are harder to load but it will work. Don't try it with really thick patches. The lube works well on conicals like the Lee REAL. Alox is the same thing as Z-Bart rust proofing for auto use.
No Jacket, I have tried it on BP cartidge bullets and it did not do very well. When I first got into BPC it seemed like an easy way to pre lube bullets. It only took about twenty rounds before the crud built up so bad I had to clean the fouling. Back then all we had was the true stuff, so I assumed the bad fouling was just part of the BP game. At some point I was shooting front stuffers and realized that I could shoot all day with well lubed patches and never had fouling build up. I began to experiment with different lubes and found that the liquid alox was not what I needed for BP. I am not sure what that stuff is intended for, and it seemed easy to just drip a few drops into a butter dish full of bullets, and like you I still have some around the house, but have not used it in years...


black powder and liquid alox don't mix well like said above
don't work well togetherI tried it cleaning go tough after 5 rounds but if you don't want your alox box it up and send to me sure can use it. bb75
Thanks for your helpful replies, folks. Guess I'll stick to using it on my smokeless pistol bullets... Oh well, it was worth asking, and it's always easier to ask first than make a major mistake!
I used it to lube conicals for about 15 years with no problems at all. I was shooting nothing but pyrodex at the time, so black may react differently. It really is the same stuff they spray inside car dooors and on the underside to stop rust that is called ZBart rust proofing.
Iverys keys, I've been using it for my (sssshhhh)45-70 and 45 colt Lee mbullets and smokeless powder used black with it and the fouling was tough to get out almost acted like it left gum in the barrels , and not lube it like its supposed to do but can tell you hat it was still fun as ####
to shoot cleaning was tough. bb75
Not sure if the liquid alox has beeswax or not but the
"NRA formula" 50/50 alox/ beeswax has proved to be about the best bullet lube for the last 40 or 50 yrs. for cartridges. I also use it in muzzleloaders on conicals with real BP, get excellent accuracy and can shoot about 15 shots before having to run a damp patch down bore for easier loading.
Not sure if the liquid alox has beeswax or not but the
"NRA formula" 50/50 alox/ beeswax has proved to be about the best bullet lube for the last 40 or 50 yrs. for cartridges.

I too use that on minie-balls for my .58 Zouave, works great
It works for the patches also, but it turns the TC .015 patches into what feels like little boards! You definately need to short start the ball using it.
Alox is short for ALuminum OXide. They used to make it in Niagara Falls years ago. The stick is a mixture of beeswax and alox. I'm not sure if it's got any petroleum products in it. If so then it's bad for real black powder...creates a goo in the barrel. And it stinks......One whiff of the stuff and I was immediately taken back to the 1950's when we'd go to Granny's house and have to drive past the Alox plant in Niagara Falls. I'll never forget that smell. :front:
Sorry! Aluminum oxide is a very hard substance used as an abrasive mainly. I wanted to make it very plain that the Alox used as a lube has absolutely nothing to do with Aluminum Oxide. Fine aluminum oxide mixed with wax is a polishing compound that will cut anything but CZ and Diamonds. You really do not want to lube your bullets with it.
I love alox and have been using it for about 40 yrs. or so and have heard many times that it won't work with black powder or that it makes some kind of goo in the barrel or some say hard fouling but I've always used it and never found any problems with it, gooey or hard. Best lube I've found black or smokeless.