Left-handed Flintlock Question

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Sep 10, 2013
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Hey all, I've been lurking around the forum for a short time as I've been trying to decide how I want to enter the muzzleloading game but I have a question about Flintlock pistols. I am left-handed and I know that with longarms it can make a difference, but does using a right-handed pistol left-handed affect anything?

I ask this because I really like the feel of a buddy's sea service pistol but I don't see a way I could get one left-handed.

Thanks, Guys
I am a south paw, and no it's not a problem.

Not much of a problem with a long gun either.
The trick is to just turn the offhand pistol around so the pan is on your Dominant side to prime :shocked2:
Rolf said:
Don't quite agree. I'm south paw and made this pair of left and rigth hand pistols. http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/fusionbb/showtopic.php?tid/254814/post/957450/hl//fromsearch/1/
I use them in comption shooting where you have to shoot 13 shots in 30 min. Priming the rigth hand pistol is akward and a royal pain.

Best regards

For the most part, unlimited flintlock pistols are designed with ambidextrous grips, just like "As Issue" revolvers.

Gripping is not a problem.

I have a right side lock unlimited flintlock, (lock on the right" and have no problem priming it on the line and picking the vent. Hold the pistol in the left hand and do the necessary things with my dominant hand and switch back for shooting.

I have a just invested in a left side lock unlimited (lock on the left) which is actually a right side lock mounted backwards. I have not shot it yet, but I beginning to think there may be some challenges with priming and picking the vent, holding the pistol in my right hand and doing what is needed with my non-dominant hand.

The challenge I see is not 13 in 30 but in Limited Time Fire 5 shots in 6 minutes.

The stated advantages with a right lock mounted backwards on the left side of the pistol is that when the cock falls it does not drive the barrel down with the fall of the cock, the fall of the cock is neutral to the fall of it.
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